Thursday, December 12, 2013

Giraffes Butting Heads

Butting heads and batting eye lashes. You would think they were playing, but they butt heads and necks to establish male dominance. What a strange and beautiful animal with gorgeous eyes. Are those eyelashes long enough? MaimeriBlu watercolors on watercolor paper.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Baobab Tree

The Baobab tree is impressive. They are thousands of years old and its bark and fibers have many uses like food, dye, rope, and clothing. It is large enough to house 25 or more people and canoes have been carved from the trunk. This is a watercolor of the Baobab tree in early spring in Africa. It is painted on watercolor paper with MaimeriBlu paints.

Stand Back

Named this watercolor painting "Stand Back" because that is exactly what his body language is saying. He was making a clearing for his family to pass through. They are beautiful, family oriented, and bigger than life. Painted with MaimeriBlu watercolors on watercolor paper.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I have painted this tropical Hisbiscus flower a few times, but this time I decided to paint it Red. I would so love to live in the islands for a while and paint all their native flowers. After I painted them, I would probably come up with a new series of things to paint that would extend my stay. Painted with MaimeriBlu watercolors on watercolor paper.

Water World

Another old boat that appears to be someone's home. This is the second in a series of paintings I call "Trailers By the Sea". (See an older post called "Sea Hop") This boat "Water World" looked like it was about to encounter a storm. It is a beautiful old boat with the patina of rust and algae making its way through rough waters. Painted with MaimeriBlu watercolor paint on watercolor paper.

Friday, July 12, 2013


Ready to roll in style, Florida Keys style! My friend shared a picture of her sister-n-law's restored and repurposed vintage bicycle. I named this painting "Joseph" because it has a coat of many colors! It is a 9 X 12 watercolor with tropical colors. I used MaimeriBlu watercolors on watercolor paper.

Yippie Hippie VW Van

Daddy had an old VW van when I was growing up. My brother and I had seen him push a button to get it started. It worked! We got it all the way to the other side of the yard. We got something else we weren't expecting, as well.
Don't see these often, but when you do, they are usually are a tricked out hippie style van. The name of this watercolor is "Yippee". Painted with MaimeriBlu watercolors on watercolor paper.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Serenity on a beach house front porch where I wold like to spend some time. Can you feel the quietness? I was drawn to the old weathered wood, shadow of the vine, and of course the conch sea shell bleaching in the sun. This is a watercolor using MaimeriBlu paints on 300# watercolor paper.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

He is a Maverick!

He lives up to his name "Maverick" at the tender age of 15. Full of life, compassion, and a gentleness that seems so rare in the youth of today. Can you tell I am in love with this grandson?
This is a 12 X 9 watercolor using only 4 colors. It was painted on 140# cold pressed paper using MaimeriBlu paints.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Surf Shack

I have always been fascinated with the surfing sport and community. They are as different as bull riders. Maybe it is about the same kind of brave! This is a 12 X 9 watercolor on 140lb cold pressed paper using MaimeriBlu paints.

Strawberry Basket

Was it the old cardboard basket that got my attention or just imagining how sweet and tart those strawberries were going to taste at first bite? Probably the strawberries initially.
This is a 12 X 16 watercolor on 300lb cold pressed paper using MaimeriBlu paints and kids crayons.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Ah the Red Rose!

Roses seem to have a language of their own. Each color of the rose is identified with a special meaning.    Red for love, yellow for friendship and white for brides. How many cliches we have with roses: every rose has its thorn, a bed of roses, and a rose by any other name, just to name a few.  No one is indifferent to roses. Its hard to pass by a rose without stopping to take in their beauty and scent. Roses are special, and a rosebud has its own kind of specialness. I used MaimeriBlue paints on watercolor paper.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Blu Seahorse

Another watercolor from a friends diving excursion. I like to learn about things I paint. Did you know that seahorses carry the babies till birth?! Think about that man! Painted with MaimeriBlu watercolors on watercolor paper.

Saint Kitts

Sea legs: The ability to adjust one's sense of balance to the motion of a ship at sea. That would not be me. I loose my "sea legs" pretty quick!  Still, I am drawn to them and think I would like to have one to putter about close to the shore. Yes, I know these boats are not ships! Just love to look at boats in the water. Painted with MaimeriBlu paints on watercolor paper.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Big Mama

Have you seen the size of these sea turtles?! Can get up to 300 pounds! This is a Hawksbill Sea Turtle a friend of mine photographed while diving. This is a watercolor with a limited palette of 3 colors using MaimeriBlu watercolors on watercolor paper.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Magic Hat

A dear friend has graciously shared photos from her travels. This hat is worn by Peruvian women. The flowers tucked on the side are believed to be magical. Painted with MaimeriBlu paints on watercolor paper.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


                                    A warm day on the porch of Hinnant Family Vineyards. Painted with Daler Rowney Acrylics on canvas.
